Accreditation :
Our school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Delhi.
Curriculum :
Academic Terms |
Kindergarten & Grade I - XII |
1st Term |
2nd Term |
April to November |
December to March |
Vacation & Holidays :
The school has generally two vacations.
Summer Vacation : From Mid-June to Mid-August.
Winter Vacation : Usually 10 days by the end of December to the beginning of January.
School remains closed on all days declared as holidays by the local government, Independence Day of India, Republic Day of India and for the selected Government holidays of India.
Registration Link :
Students seeking admission must meet the requirements set by the school.
Please see the Admission Guidelines for more information.
For further enquiry please contact Indian School Nizwa - Administration department.
New Admission Registration Link for the Academic year 2024-25 :
Various teaching aids like audio visuals, specimens etc. are used in the day to day classroom teaching. Journals for all the subjects as well as around more than 1000 books are also available for reading in the library.