Our motto-
“Grooming of children to become responsible citizens and good human beings”
As the students successfully enter grade IX, they are exposed to a broad- based general education- scholastic, aesthetic, moral and physical.
The Secondary curriculum envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education striving for excellence. The school is committed to provide quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural well- being of its learners. We empower the future citizens to become global leaders. We aim at producing students who become fit instruments of service in their own country as well as abroad.
The CBSE Curriculum in Secondary section has adapted innovative methods of teaching. Smart -Classrooms & Digital Classrooms are used in the School to facilitate the students with Interactive learning. The classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards and networked with WiFi.
Our Secondary Curriculum provides students a broad and balanced understanding of subjects including languages, Mathematics, Science and Social Science to enable students to communicate effectively, analyse information, take informed decisions, construct their worldview in alignment with constitutional values and move ahead in the direction of becoming productive citizens. The recent focus of CBSE is on the development of 21st century skills in settings where each student feels independent, safe and comfortable with their learning
The CBSE curriculum is learner-centered with school being a place where students would be acquiring various skills; building self-concept, sense of enterprise, aesthetic sensibilities and sportsmanship.
The compulsory areas of learning at the Secondary level are as under :
1. Language 1 (English)
2. Language 2 (Hindi/ Malayalam/ Arabic/ Sanskrit)
3. Mathematics
4. Science
5. Social Science
Scholastic Areas :
(i) Languages include English, Hindi, Malayalam, Arabic and Sanskrit. The curricula in languages focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and, hence, develop effective communicative proficiencies.
(ii) Mathematics includes acquiring the concepts related to number sense, computation, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics, the skill to calculate and organize, the ability to apply this in their daily life and to think mathematically.
(iii) Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) includes gaining knowledge about Food, Materials, The World of the Living, How things work, Moving things, People and Ideas, Natural Phenomenon and Natural Resources. The focus is on knowledge and skills to develop a scientific attitude and to use and apply such knowledge for improving the quality of life.
(iv) Social Science (Geography, History, Economics and Political Science) intends to make learners understand their cultural, geographical and historical milieus and gain in-depth knowledge, attitude, skills and values necessary to bring about transformation for a better world. Learners appreciate and value everyone’s right to feel respected and safe, and, also understand their Fundamental Rights and Duties and behave responsibly in the society.
Board Examination for (Class X) and Annual Examination (class IX) for 80 marks :
For Class X :
The CBSE India will conduct Class X Examination for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject of Class X only. Grades corresponding to the marks shall be on the basis of 9-point grading system. Grades will be awarded in each scholastic subject.
For Class IX :
The assessment scheme will be similar to class X Board examination.
Internal Assessment (20 Marks) :
Internal Assessment will be based on periodic written tests, notebook submission based on regularity, assignment completion, multiple assessment strategies, neatness and up keeping of notebooks, Laboratory activities and projects, practical work/ activities etc.
The school uses alternate modes of assessment as per the demand of the subject such as, quizzes, portfolio, project-work, Self and peer assessment, collaborative projects, experiments, classroom demonstrations, etc.
Co-Scholastic Areas :
Secondary School Education envisages the comprehensive and holistic development of children and, hence, Co-scholastic activities are essential. We, in Indian School Nizwa, provide Health and Physical Education. Health and Physical Education focuses on holistic development, physical fitness, health, discipline, sportsmanship.
We abide by the National Education Policy, 2020 which advocates for a learner-centric education that develops their critical skills and imbibe 21st century learning, literacy and life skills.
“ The future belongs to those who prepare for it today ” – Malcolm X
The secondary stage offers an excellent blend of International Standard Education, Physical Fitness and Socially responsible Gen-Next individuals.
According to the National Education Policy (NEP), the secondary stage will comprise four years (Grades 9-12) of multidisciplinary study and will build subject depth, critical thinking, attention to life aspirations with flexibility for student choice. A flexible curriculum, with no hard separation of curricular, co-curricular or extracurricular areas; nor of arts and sciences, and ‘vocational’ and ‘academic’ streams, will enable student choice with the possibility of switching subject areas at the secondary school level.
The available subject courses at ISN are for Science and Commerce. The subject combinations for each course are as follows:
Science :
* English, Physics, Chemistry Mathematics and Biology
* English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Informatics Practices
* English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Informatics Practices
Commerce :
* English, Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy and Mathematics
* English, Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy and Informatics Practices.
Highlights :
The students of the senior secondary section are supported by means of:
* Well- equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computers, where all practical sessions are conducted.
* Remedial and Gurukul classes that facilitate both high achievers and low performers to excel.
* In effect of the pandemic, all classes are conducted online through Google classrooms using various e-learning platforms.
* Co-curricular activities leading to increased communications, creativity and collaboration.
Registration Link : https://forms.gle/saMJb6g9XZxj5wKf8
Students seeking admission must meet the requirements set by the school.
Please see the Admission Guidelines for more information.
For further enquiry please contact Indian School Nizwa - Administration department.
New Admission Registration Link for the Academic year 2024-25 : https://forms.gle/cVDAnzfJNEsZd6ow9
Various teaching aids like audio visuals, specimens etc. are used in the day to day classroom teaching. Journals for all the subjects as well as around more than 1000 books are also available for reading in the library.